Is it possible to lose 10 kilograms in a month and how to do it? Diet options with examples of menus and recipes, exercise, useful tips from nutritionists.
10 February 2022
The question of whether yoga helps you lose weight is not unfounded, because classes include physical activity. Find out if exercise can help you get a slimmer figure.
9 January 2022
The essence and principles of the diet with six petals - an approximate menu with recipes for dishes, contraindications for compliance, reviews of nutritionists and those who have lost weight.
4 January 2022
How to eat properly with gout, what is allowed and what is forbidden? Recommended menu in case of illness.
4 January 2022
Basic dietary rules for gastritis of the stomach. What you can and can't eat with gastritis. Recipe menu.
16 January 2021
Favorite diet: advantages and disadvantages, approximate diet for a week. Contraindications and warnings. Useful tips from a nutritionist.
3 January 2021